the article about Thailand slipping tourist-wise was regarding tourist infrastructure; here the Land of Smiles walks a tightrope, for most popular areas are already getting horribly overdeveloped and several are suffering from increased pollution, etc. Thailand courting ever-increasing tourist numbers will only lead to more spoiling of its stunning natural beauty from building the infrastructure necessary to support the numbers...

very disappointed in the cannabis U-turn, it seems a very hasty and ill-considered overreaction to something that was undeniably a net positive.,..

it was always exciting when turtles would come ashore to lay their eggs, many locals would rush near and some would take turns watching over the mother & 'nest' until the babies are hatched and scamper into the sea...

although you didn't mention it this time, am very saddened (but not surprised, just business as usual in LoS) about the continued attacks on the very existance of MFP; i wonder if people take to the streets again?

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